January 16th lesson plan Moving
We will take attendance and welcome our new student to the group. We will begin the session by welcoming everyone back. Asking if anyone did anything they would like to share with the group. Then one of us will lead a few minute guided meditation.
Next each group will discuss the Essence of Shevat sheets and go over the Facts, Features and foods of the month. Before talking about the foods you should ask the group what they know about Tu Beshevat. Some of the students might remember it and some may not. Ask if anyone has attended a Tu Beshevat sedar briefly share what you know.
Next we will gather back as a group and go over the Rain and Ritual Prayers. At this point I want to discuss what we know about water conservation overall and here in New Mexico. What can we do to help save water and to make it so the water supply lasts longer.
For the next activity we will explain that the Tu Beshevat sedar involves the kabbalistic concept of the Four Worlds in which we live. Each of the four worlds corresponds to different element of nature:
Physical World-Earth
Emotional World-Water
Intellectual World-Air
Spiritual World Fire
We will divide the group into 4 smaller groups. Each group will invent a body movement or gesture and a related sounds that express the element on the card. Each group will share with the bigger group. Once shared the groups will create a "movement chain" by stringing together their movements, one after the other, connecting them as much as possible as they go as in an assembly line.
Once the groups present ask: What element did this movement chain suggest to you?
What do you think we can learn from the element we just saw?
Fire can teach us moderation.
Water can teach us the important of flexibility of going withe the flow.
Earth can teach us that everything, including ourselves, must be nurtured to grow.
Air can teach us that we cannot always see what is important.
December 12th 2012 Lesson Plan for Moving Traditions
Hanukkah is just around the corner, giving us the opportunity to recall what it is we are celebrating for 8 days. For that, we need to go back to 167 BCE when the Greek Empire ruled the land of Israel. Back then, when Antiochus IV took control of the region, he began to oppress the Jews severely by prohibiting the practice of the Jewish religion, desecrating the Second Temple in Jerusalem, and killing Jews who opposed him. Under Antiochus’ strict rule, many Jews, now referred to as Hellenized Jews, adopted much of Hellenic culture, including the language, customs, and dress of the Greeks. Nevertheless, Antiochus's persecution of the Jews proved to be a major miscalculation, as it provoked a large-scale revolt led by a spontaneous Jewish rebel army called the Maccabees. Their revolution succeeded, and the Temple was liberated and rededicated with a small jug of oil that had remained ritually “uncontaminated”, miraculously sustained the Menorah’s flames for eight days, by which time more oil could be procured. The Maccabees response to the foreign regime made me think about all the different empires that have ruled upon the earth over the centuries. It wasn’t just the ancient Greeks, but also Babylon, Rome, Mongolia, Spain, the Ottoman Empire, Great Britain and more; in each epoch there was another nation which became dominant and took the historic role as the world’s leader. At this point, I believe that most people would agree with me when I say that the United States of America currently occupies this role as “world leader.” Though the amount of territory it controls is less than the empires of old, the U.S has a tremendous influence on world politics, economy, technology, and popular culture, and that makes it the closest thing to being the “empire” of our time. Although you might believe that, in Israel, camels are the primary source of transportation (sorry to shatter your illusions!), Israel is actually a modern country, and as part of the Western world is also greatly influenced by the United States. It was not a revolution, but a process that began to gain momentum from the late 1980’s and increased during the 90’s. The first Israeli branch of McDonald’s, often seen as the classic measure for the impact of the culture of the U.S., opened in Israel in 1993, but after
few years it became one of the largest and most successful food chains in the country. This trend continues with the entry of additional American chains into the Israeli market such as GAP, which just came to Israel few months ago, and Payless ShoeSource, expected to “make aliyah” during 2011. American influence has even managed to infiltrate modern Hebrew, with commonly spoken words like “bye” and “okay,” and with Israeli brand names that carry English names such as HOT, YES, FOX, and more. Speaking from a personal perspective, I must admit that I didn’t learn most of my English from English class in school (the idea of having twelve English tenses, is still very incomprehensible to me). Rather, I learned through listening to English popular music and watching American TV shows and Hollywood movies, which are all very popular in Israel. As much as the described above is part of a worldwide process, in Israel it has some unique features - America represents the “good life” and what is considered to be trendy and modern. Some say the “Americanization” of Israel is turning its society into too much of a capitalistic one, with a hedonistic consumer lifestyle that emphasizes the individual; a lifestyle that contradicts one of the primary characteristics of Israeli culture in the past, regarding modesty, asceticism and collectivist values, as would be expected from a country that was originally founded on the idea of a socialist democracy. Now, when the majority of the Jewish population in Israel defines itself as secular-nonreligious, when Israelis are following the trends of foreign culture, and with Hebrew – which Israel’s founders impressively revived – losing its centrality, one raises an interesting question – whether we are witnessing a modern phenomenon of “Hellenic Judaism”? I argue here that this isn’t the case. First, I believe that the so-called “Americanization process” is essential to Israel continuing to function as a modern, liberal country that is open to continued integration with the West. Second, because I believe that the tension created between the local traditional culture and the global (or American, if you will) culture is a healthy tension, as it proves that Israel and Israelis are still in the process of shaping the very fundamentals of their society. Finally, Israel is simply not the U.S. - and I don’t believe it’s going to be any time soon, something that has become even clearer to me after living here for the past 3 months and experiencing the many cultural differences. It is this kind of combination of old and new, east and west, religious and secular, that makes Israel’s culture what it is. America, with all its power and influence, is only a small part of the overall picture.
I’m excited that it’s Hanukkah! But how do I balance my own celebration when
Christmas spirit affects so many other people? By Ray Velez
During what has been come to be known as the “holiday season,” it is pretty obvious
that Christmas takes center stage, and is the most media hyped holiday in North
America. Some consider Hanukkah to be the Jewish equivalent to Christmas, but it’s
not. It is important that we continue to feel strong connections to Judaism during
December. Though we are by no means the religious majority, we should never
cease to be excited for this time of year. In addition to focusing on Judaism, we also
can take this opportunity to share our Jewish heritage with our non-Jewish friends
and take advantage of the chance to learn about other religions and traditions. For
example, hosting your own celebration amidst the many Christmas parties can be
fulfilling and may prove to be valuable to friends, family, and neighbors.
As Jews, we choose to embrace the meaning and traditions in our own lives and
celebrations. In my household, we include a wonderfully prepared dinner, family time
(essential to any holiday), and we make sure to read the story of Hanukkah and
share some of our traditions with others whom we invite into our home. My family
ritually lights the candles and we share what we are thankful for in the closing year.
After reflecting on all that the Jewish people have gone through, we realize how
fortunate we all are in our own lives.
This year, as the first and last night of Hanukkah fall on Shabbat (the most important
holiday in Judaism), we have the chance to have a double celebration. If you have
never celebrated Shabbat in your home, now may be the perfect time to start a new
tradition, or at least try something new. Bake a challah, light the Hanukkah and
Shabbat candles (traditionally, Hanukkah candles are lit first, followed by the
Shabbat candles), make kiddush and celebrate 3000 years of tradition.
Because of the media’s attempt to be politically correct, most Christians know that
Hanukkah falls around Christmas. This knowledge gives Jews a golden opportunity
to educate others about Judaism. You may find that many of your non-Jewish friends
ask you questions about Hanukkah and other Jewish traditions. Explaining the story
of the holiday to non-Jewish friends and family is always important. Delving into the
origin of the holiday and different traditions currently observed, including latkes,
dreidel and the order of lighting candles can be a lot of fun.
Related Questions: I can’t host a gathering at my house, what can I do? Talk
to someone at your synagogue, whether it is a youth group board member, your
rabbi, your cantor or your educator. You may be surprised at how open your
synagogue is to a youth Hanukkah celebration. Suggesting a family program or even
asking to help plan one yourself is a great way to share the traditions with others.
Is it possible to share religious traditions with people from other religions?
Definitely! My family is religiously diverse and last year we had the chance to
celebrate both holidays at the same time. Though Christmas and Hanukkah do not overlap this year, and Ramadan is long over, participating in a multi-religious celebration of life and spirituality can be fun, educational and a great way to increase tolerance in our diverse society. Celebrations with friends can create a great opportunity to learn and to teach each other about the religion and beliefs of each individual. Judaism is rooted in the pursuit of knowledge, so, when questions arise, who better to answer them but Jews excited to continue tradition! One night spent celebrating different holidays among close friends can be an enlightening and enjoyable experience. Taking Action: Keep the Connection Use this opportunity to learn about the meaning of Hanukkah for Judaism and your family. Talk to your parents and grandparents about what Hanukkah meant to them when they were young. The anticipation created by a family tradition may be the motivator behind the continuation of Judaisml’dor vador , from generation to generation. Find opportunities for social justice This time of year offers tons of opportunities to make the world a better place. Here are a few ideas:
* Soup kitchens never have enough volunteers, especially around holiday time. Whether they say so or not, there is always a way to help.
* Participate in clothing drives at your local synagogue! If there is none set in place, don’t be afraid to begin your own! Talk to your clergy and temple board, and ask them for assistance in creating or operating a charity drive.
* Check in your area for Jewish residents at hospitals and nursing homes! No one should be neglected and excluded from the holiday cheer!
Congregation Albert: DAY/DATE: 14 November 2012 / 1 Kislev 5773
Congregation Albert: DAY/DATE: 7 November 2012 / 22 Cheshvan 5773
We will take attendance and welcome our new student to the group. We will begin the session by welcoming everyone back. Asking if anyone did anything they would like to share with the group. Then one of us will lead a few minute guided meditation.
Next each group will discuss the Essence of Shevat sheets and go over the Facts, Features and foods of the month. Before talking about the foods you should ask the group what they know about Tu Beshevat. Some of the students might remember it and some may not. Ask if anyone has attended a Tu Beshevat sedar briefly share what you know.
Next we will gather back as a group and go over the Rain and Ritual Prayers. At this point I want to discuss what we know about water conservation overall and here in New Mexico. What can we do to help save water and to make it so the water supply lasts longer.
For the next activity we will explain that the Tu Beshevat sedar involves the kabbalistic concept of the Four Worlds in which we live. Each of the four worlds corresponds to different element of nature:
Physical World-Earth
Emotional World-Water
Intellectual World-Air
Spiritual World Fire
We will divide the group into 4 smaller groups. Each group will invent a body movement or gesture and a related sounds that express the element on the card. Each group will share with the bigger group. Once shared the groups will create a "movement chain" by stringing together their movements, one after the other, connecting them as much as possible as they go as in an assembly line.
Once the groups present ask: What element did this movement chain suggest to you?
What do you think we can learn from the element we just saw?
Fire can teach us moderation.
Water can teach us the important of flexibility of going withe the flow.
Earth can teach us that everything, including ourselves, must be nurtured to grow.
Air can teach us that we cannot always see what is important.
December 12th 2012 Lesson Plan for Moving Traditions
Hanukkah is just around the corner, giving us the opportunity to recall what it is we are celebrating for 8 days. For that, we need to go back to 167 BCE when the Greek Empire ruled the land of Israel. Back then, when Antiochus IV took control of the region, he began to oppress the Jews severely by prohibiting the practice of the Jewish religion, desecrating the Second Temple in Jerusalem, and killing Jews who opposed him. Under Antiochus’ strict rule, many Jews, now referred to as Hellenized Jews, adopted much of Hellenic culture, including the language, customs, and dress of the Greeks. Nevertheless, Antiochus's persecution of the Jews proved to be a major miscalculation, as it provoked a large-scale revolt led by a spontaneous Jewish rebel army called the Maccabees. Their revolution succeeded, and the Temple was liberated and rededicated with a small jug of oil that had remained ritually “uncontaminated”, miraculously sustained the Menorah’s flames for eight days, by which time more oil could be procured. The Maccabees response to the foreign regime made me think about all the different empires that have ruled upon the earth over the centuries. It wasn’t just the ancient Greeks, but also Babylon, Rome, Mongolia, Spain, the Ottoman Empire, Great Britain and more; in each epoch there was another nation which became dominant and took the historic role as the world’s leader. At this point, I believe that most people would agree with me when I say that the United States of America currently occupies this role as “world leader.” Though the amount of territory it controls is less than the empires of old, the U.S has a tremendous influence on world politics, economy, technology, and popular culture, and that makes it the closest thing to being the “empire” of our time. Although you might believe that, in Israel, camels are the primary source of transportation (sorry to shatter your illusions!), Israel is actually a modern country, and as part of the Western world is also greatly influenced by the United States. It was not a revolution, but a process that began to gain momentum from the late 1980’s and increased during the 90’s. The first Israeli branch of McDonald’s, often seen as the classic measure for the impact of the culture of the U.S., opened in Israel in 1993, but after
few years it became one of the largest and most successful food chains in the country. This trend continues with the entry of additional American chains into the Israeli market such as GAP, which just came to Israel few months ago, and Payless ShoeSource, expected to “make aliyah” during 2011. American influence has even managed to infiltrate modern Hebrew, with commonly spoken words like “bye” and “okay,” and with Israeli brand names that carry English names such as HOT, YES, FOX, and more. Speaking from a personal perspective, I must admit that I didn’t learn most of my English from English class in school (the idea of having twelve English tenses, is still very incomprehensible to me). Rather, I learned through listening to English popular music and watching American TV shows and Hollywood movies, which are all very popular in Israel. As much as the described above is part of a worldwide process, in Israel it has some unique features - America represents the “good life” and what is considered to be trendy and modern. Some say the “Americanization” of Israel is turning its society into too much of a capitalistic one, with a hedonistic consumer lifestyle that emphasizes the individual; a lifestyle that contradicts one of the primary characteristics of Israeli culture in the past, regarding modesty, asceticism and collectivist values, as would be expected from a country that was originally founded on the idea of a socialist democracy. Now, when the majority of the Jewish population in Israel defines itself as secular-nonreligious, when Israelis are following the trends of foreign culture, and with Hebrew – which Israel’s founders impressively revived – losing its centrality, one raises an interesting question – whether we are witnessing a modern phenomenon of “Hellenic Judaism”? I argue here that this isn’t the case. First, I believe that the so-called “Americanization process” is essential to Israel continuing to function as a modern, liberal country that is open to continued integration with the West. Second, because I believe that the tension created between the local traditional culture and the global (or American, if you will) culture is a healthy tension, as it proves that Israel and Israelis are still in the process of shaping the very fundamentals of their society. Finally, Israel is simply not the U.S. - and I don’t believe it’s going to be any time soon, something that has become even clearer to me after living here for the past 3 months and experiencing the many cultural differences. It is this kind of combination of old and new, east and west, religious and secular, that makes Israel’s culture what it is. America, with all its power and influence, is only a small part of the overall picture.
I’m excited that it’s Hanukkah! But how do I balance my own celebration when
Christmas spirit affects so many other people? By Ray Velez
During what has been come to be known as the “holiday season,” it is pretty obvious
that Christmas takes center stage, and is the most media hyped holiday in North
America. Some consider Hanukkah to be the Jewish equivalent to Christmas, but it’s
not. It is important that we continue to feel strong connections to Judaism during
December. Though we are by no means the religious majority, we should never
cease to be excited for this time of year. In addition to focusing on Judaism, we also
can take this opportunity to share our Jewish heritage with our non-Jewish friends
and take advantage of the chance to learn about other religions and traditions. For
example, hosting your own celebration amidst the many Christmas parties can be
fulfilling and may prove to be valuable to friends, family, and neighbors.
As Jews, we choose to embrace the meaning and traditions in our own lives and
celebrations. In my household, we include a wonderfully prepared dinner, family time
(essential to any holiday), and we make sure to read the story of Hanukkah and
share some of our traditions with others whom we invite into our home. My family
ritually lights the candles and we share what we are thankful for in the closing year.
After reflecting on all that the Jewish people have gone through, we realize how
fortunate we all are in our own lives.
This year, as the first and last night of Hanukkah fall on Shabbat (the most important
holiday in Judaism), we have the chance to have a double celebration. If you have
never celebrated Shabbat in your home, now may be the perfect time to start a new
tradition, or at least try something new. Bake a challah, light the Hanukkah and
Shabbat candles (traditionally, Hanukkah candles are lit first, followed by the
Shabbat candles), make kiddush and celebrate 3000 years of tradition.
Because of the media’s attempt to be politically correct, most Christians know that
Hanukkah falls around Christmas. This knowledge gives Jews a golden opportunity
to educate others about Judaism. You may find that many of your non-Jewish friends
ask you questions about Hanukkah and other Jewish traditions. Explaining the story
of the holiday to non-Jewish friends and family is always important. Delving into the
origin of the holiday and different traditions currently observed, including latkes,
dreidel and the order of lighting candles can be a lot of fun.
Related Questions: I can’t host a gathering at my house, what can I do? Talk
to someone at your synagogue, whether it is a youth group board member, your
rabbi, your cantor or your educator. You may be surprised at how open your
synagogue is to a youth Hanukkah celebration. Suggesting a family program or even
asking to help plan one yourself is a great way to share the traditions with others.
Is it possible to share religious traditions with people from other religions?
Definitely! My family is religiously diverse and last year we had the chance to
celebrate both holidays at the same time. Though Christmas and Hanukkah do not overlap this year, and Ramadan is long over, participating in a multi-religious celebration of life and spirituality can be fun, educational and a great way to increase tolerance in our diverse society. Celebrations with friends can create a great opportunity to learn and to teach each other about the religion and beliefs of each individual. Judaism is rooted in the pursuit of knowledge, so, when questions arise, who better to answer them but Jews excited to continue tradition! One night spent celebrating different holidays among close friends can be an enlightening and enjoyable experience. Taking Action: Keep the Connection Use this opportunity to learn about the meaning of Hanukkah for Judaism and your family. Talk to your parents and grandparents about what Hanukkah meant to them when they were young. The anticipation created by a family tradition may be the motivator behind the continuation of Judaisml’dor vador , from generation to generation. Find opportunities for social justice This time of year offers tons of opportunities to make the world a better place. Here are a few ideas:
* Soup kitchens never have enough volunteers, especially around holiday time. Whether they say so or not, there is always a way to help.
* Participate in clothing drives at your local synagogue! If there is none set in place, don’t be afraid to begin your own! Talk to your clergy and temple board, and ask them for assistance in creating or operating a charity drive.
* Check in your area for Jewish residents at hospitals and nursing homes! No one should be neglected and excluded from the holiday cheer!
Moving Traditions
Lesson Plan
First we will take attendance and welcome everyone.
Next we will have the kids sit at the tables.
We will go around and ask each person in the group: What person
they consider to be their role model and why.
Next you will pass out the cups of skittles to your
group. For the amount of skittles they
need to answer these questions.
Red: most memorable or embarrassing moments
Orange: Goals
Purple: Achievements
Yellow: Hobbies
Green: favorite food, car type, clothing brand, singer
You will have your group read A Woman of Hanukkah: Judith
then ask the following questions.
Acknowledge that most people know more about Judah
the Maccabee than about Judith and Hannah.
Why do you think that is so?
Judah, the hero of the Hanukkah story, who led
the Maccabean revolt against the Selucids in 168-165 BCE. The story, including the account of Hannah
and her sons, is recorded in the Book of
the Maccabees, part of the Apocrypha (non-canonized books appended to the Bible)
The story of Judith, recorded in the apocryphal
Book of Judith, has been less well known.
Perhaps because teachers and students of Torah were historically men and
boys, women’s stories received comparatively little attention in the past.
As Jewish women become more active in religious
life and in Torah study, they have begun to rediscover and popularize women’s
What are some of the words to describe Judith
and her actions in this story?
Brave, smart, wise, creative, strategic,
faithful, cunning, independent, heroic, beautiful
What was your reaction to the story?
How do Judith’s tactics compare with your own
methods of getting what you want?
Did Judith and her people have
alternatives? What else might she have
What alternatives do we have today?
Conclude with this:
Judith used the sources of power and influence that the story imagines
are available to her, such as beauty and trickery. Often, men are depicted as heroes for killing
in battle, and women’s power is represented as sexual. Today, we can choose to achieve our goals
without manipulation or exploitation of our sexuality.
Give each member of the group a different sheet with Women
of Valor. Acknowledge ha many of you
probably have not heard of these women.
Give each member a few minutes to read their sheet. Each person will get the Internet Profile
sheet. Also markers, pens, scissors and
They will each create a profile for the women on there sheet
to use on an internet social network sheet.
You want each person to be creative and use the information
that is on the sheets we gave them and they should imagine that they are these
people and create the sheet in the way they would want to be perceived.
Have each person present what they have done.
Have each person present what they have done.
Congregation Albert: DAY/DATE: 14 November 2012 / 1 Kislev 5773
The essential question
Outline of the points of the class
How did Israel Come to be in modern times (20th century?
I. Zionism - 1896
II. The Aliyot to Israel
from Europe
III. Balfour Declaration
IV. Arab
immigration to Israel because of jobs created by Zionists
V. Churchill
admires work of Zionist in the land
VI. Arabs
organize riots (1929) against Zionist settlements
III. White Paper
Lecture/discussion/ Questioning
Student participation
feed back - being asked questions - allowing students to ask questions
Fill out sheet about “What I learned today.”
Congregation Albert: DAY/DATE: 7 November 2012 / 22 Cheshvan 5773
The essential question
Outline of the points of the class
What were the events which led to the beginning of the Zionist
Jewish history in Europe?
What was Jewish status in Europe?
A people
without a nation - a people outside the law
After the French Revolution, what changed for Jews?
possibility of belonging to the nation in which Jews lived.
What was the seed of anti-semitism in Europe?
The Medieval
Protestant movement
The change of perspective of anti-semitism in 19th century Europe
Shifted to a
political point of view as well as a religious point of view
Theodor Hertzl
Wanted Jews
to become part of modern Europe (late 19th century)
Dreyfus Affair - in France
covers as a reporter
Changes his
attitude as to how Jews can be a free people who have self determination
Zionism - a political solution
To obtain a
homeland for the Jewish people through political means - not violence
Student participation
feed back - being asked questions - allowing students to ask questions
Fill out sheet about “What I learned today.”
Moving Traditions: October 24, 2013
Begin by going over the blessings (morning blessings). Everyone will be together for this part.
As a group we will lead everyone through a 10-minute yoga
session. I will have some music and they
will go through the motions as one of us reads the steps.
We will then break into groups to discuss how everyone feels
in regard to doing this. What thoughts
they had from doing it and how their bodies feel.
In the groups go over the Essence of Tevet handout.
Discuss what is on the sheet with the group.
Ask each member to name a physical activity they enjoy.
At the conclusion note the similarities and/or range of
Acknowledge the opening responses are examples of ways we
use and appreciate our bodies.
Ask one person in your group to read: Philo, a Jewish
philosopher, said it this way: “The body is the soul’s house. Shouldn’t we therefore take care of our house
so that it will not fall into ruin?”
Ask the group what does this mean to you?
Explain that this gathering will focus on appreciating and
feeling good about your body. Studies
show that many of us are critical of our bodies wishing we were taller,
slimmer, less hairy, etc. And our bodies
really do amazing and wonderful things for us all the time.
Next ask the group to join hands and to take three steps
into the center of the circle as in the mayim dance. Ask each of them to make eye contact with
someone across and now that person opposite will be their partner.
Instruct each partner to stand back to back. If you have an odd number they can be the
first leader. The leader will say things that the pairs have to do
together. For example, “right hand to
right hand, head to head, left foot to right foot, right hand to left leg. The leader then says back to back and you
must switch partners. The activity will
repeat again.
Have the partners sit down together. Give each group the Feel Fabulous Strategies
and the Hevrutah Cards. Explain that
hevrutah is the traditional Jewish method of learning. It reflects the belief that each of us has
something to teach and learn from one another, and that when we open up and
connect with a friend, we engage in deep Jewish learning.
Have the groups look at the Feel Fabulous Strategies and the
Hevrutah Cards and allow 5 minutes for discussion. Ask the pairs to share highlights of their
response with the group.
Point out that, as we noted on the Essence sheet, Judaism
views the boy as holy and encourages us to treat it as such. Like a temple, we can value and appreciate
our bodies.
Ask if they can name a Jewish custom that promotes the
notion of sanctity of the body- treating it with respect and value. Note that there are many Jewish customs that
both reflect and promote the notion of sanctity of the body, such as ritual
hand washing and saying a prayer before and after eating. In fact, there are Jewish blessings intended
to be recited daily with express gratitude for our bodies.
Explain that the shacharit (morning) services for weekdays
and Shabbat includes a series of blessings which are based on the Talmudic
teaching that a person should offer prayers and gratitude for everything that he/she
experiences upon rising in the morning.
Distribute the Mindfull Appreciation. Point out that these blessings can be read on
at least two levels at once-literally and figuratively. Read the first blessing. Ask what are some different ways to
interpreter this prayer?
Have everyone in the whole group sit in a circle. Point out that this discussion has encouraged
us to recognize our bodies as temples and to strive to resist the tendency to
disrespect ourselves through self-critical thoughts r unhealthy choices.
Place a small trash can in the center. Each person will have
a pen and paper. They are to think about
and write down one way that they tend to disrespect their bodies, in thought or
action. Maybe we skip breakfast too
often or choose to stay home on a bad hair day.
Have each person acknowledge whatever tier tendency is and write it
down, crumple it up and toss it in the trash.
Be sure to acknowledge that this activity is symbolic gesture of a truly
difficult task.
Ask the group to think about how they can support each other
attempts to talk and think positively about themselves.
Congregation Albert - Israel Inside/Out DATE:
23 October / 8 Cheshvan 5773
Essential Question
Major points of the class lesson
What does
the 19th and early 20th century history of the Middle East have to do with
*For Muslims, the Holy Land is Arabia. (Mecca and Medina)
*Abdu Melech, and early king of Muslim territories, set his
capital in Damascus.
*He was
outed in a rebellion and established Jerusalem as a Holy City since Mecca and
Medina were controlled by the rebells.
*Once the
rebellion was over, Jerusalem was politically and religiously forgotten by the
Muslim world of the time.
*Within Muslim Literature, there is a 50/50 split as to whether
Jerusalem is an important place within Islam.
*Any land conquered by Islam, is to remain within Islam.
*JERUSALEM IS CENTRAL TO JUDAISM - not just a place to visit or
to make pilgrimage, but CENTRAL to the life of Judaism.
*Jerusalem is mentioned in Genesis as the city of Salem
*Jerusalem is mentioned in The Book of Joshua as Jerusalem
*Of the 613 Commandments - 342 are connected directly to the
Land of Israel
*1896 - Theodore Hertzel writes The Jewish State - modern
Zionism is formed
Note taking
Watching of video
Questions and answers
ISRAEL/ INSIDE-OUT DATE: 17 October / 1 Cheshvan '73
the Importance of Israel to the religions of the world.
What is
the religious role of Israel?
Main Points Made:
1. The Turkish Ottoman Empire 1516-1917CE (not
one of the current Arab countries is 100 years old)
2. Ottomans held on to Israel
longer than anyone else.
3. Starting in the 1700's the
Ottomans cut down all the remaining trees in Israel
4. Only city built in Israel
during the Ottoman Empire was Ramle.
5. There was always Jewish
immigration into Israel.
6. The Ottomans did not care
about Jewish immigration as long as they paid their taxes
7. The Ottomans were the last
Muslim Empire to rule Israel - ending in 1917 when the British conquered Israel
during WWI
8. Christianity believes that
Jesus was born, lived, died, and was resurrected in the Land of Israel.
9. Jesus was killed in Jerusalem
which makes Jerusalem one of Christianity's most Holy sites.
10. Christianity believes that
Jerusalem is a museum city.
11. Bethlehem is the birth place
of Jesus
12. Nazareth is Jesus's home town
13. Mt. Tabor is the place where Jesus ascended to
heaven as a spirit
14. A Root Myth is a belief that
people hold that may or may not be true but is believed to be true to the point
that people base their lives on the event.
15. Islam dynasties ruled Israel
for 1300 years
16. Mohamed is the last of three
major prophets - according to Islam. The
first prophet was Moses, the second was Jesus, and Mohamed got the final and
best set of rules.
17. Mohamed established a Muslim
community in what is today called Saudi Arabia.
18. In the year 620CE Mohamed
ascended to heaven from the Temple Mount.
19. The Dome of the Rock is the
same place as where the Temple once stood.
20. The Dome of the Rock is the
Third Holy site in Islam.
21. The Holy Land for Islam is
Saudi Arabia.
Handout I
"The Test of Time"
Israel Inside/Out 17 Tishrei 5753 / 3 October 2012
important is the State of Israel to being Jewish in the United States?
Jewish before 1948 and the State of Israel:
Jews were considered a nationality
without a nation.
Jewish loyalty to a country was
always suspect.
We were considered a
closed group
We were considered
afraid of the outside world
We were considered to be
non-fighters - easy targets
Jewish after 1948 and the State of Israel:
Israel was considered the under-dog
by Americans and were proud of Israel's accomplishments
Jews in America became more
comfortable with being Jewish because Israel was viewed as being a positive
nation in the Middle East.
Jews were able to be open about
their being Jewish - Jews could live in
any neighborhood they wished, they could go to schools they wished, the
exclusive country clubs, the restricted hotels could no longer support a
"gentleman's agreement" about excluding Jews.
Our religion wasn't the only way in
which we were identified - people began to accept Jews as people - with
strengths and weaknesses.
The idea of celebrating Sukkot,
building a Sukkah in our yard, even taking time off from school for Jewish
holidays, wasn't something we could seriously consider before the State of
According to a recent Harris poll,
75% of Americans think favorably of Israel.
When the world says Israel, they
still mean Jews.
and Discussion
discussion and end of class reflection
Moving Traditions
Welcome everyone and take attendance.
Number everyone off so they can be split into smaller groups
…sit on the floor or tables.
In your groups go around and introduce yourselves and
respond to the question:
Among the members
of your family, who understands you best?
Explain briefly, allowing everyone to have time to respond.
In the group read Rachel and Leah in the Torah. (I will give this to your at the beginning of
Highlight the fact that, according to tradition, the
biblical matriarch Rachel died in the month of Heshvan. Therefore, we observe Rachel’s yahrzeit in
Ask the group to tell what they know about Rachel. Highlight the idea that Rachel’s story is
intimately connected to that of her sister and co-wife. Point out the names chosen for their children
and sentiments behind them.
Ask what they think the relationship between these
sister-wives was like? What tells you?
Midrash Explained:
Explain that what we know about biblical figures comes from
both Torah and midrash. Midrashim are stories composed throughout Jewish
history that interpret biblical texts.
This interpretation is done through creatively explaining words, verses
or whole stories that are incomplete or unclear in our texts. The best known stories are the tale about
Abraham destroying his father’s idols and the story of Miriam’s well.
Explain that traditionally, the authors of midrash claimed
that they were not adding or changing anything about Torah but that they were simply
revealing what was already “written between the lines”.
Distribute the 5 Torah and Midrash Cards to different people
in your group.
Ask them to read the cards
and decide as a group if they are biblical or midrashic.
Next Questions:
are the main differences between the biblical and midrashic descriptions of the
sisters’ attitudes toward one another?
o The Torah finds Leah
and Rachel mean-spirited and jealous of one another
o The midrash depicts the
sisters as dedicated to one another and supportive of each other.
o The contemporary
midrash presents a more complex picture that depicts both the joys and
struggles of this relationship.
Is it
possible to be jealous and supportive at the same time?
you experience that tension personally?
Create your own Midrash:
This is an opportunity to write your own midrashim. Encourage each person to imagine that they
are either Rachel or Leah and that this is the opportunity to tell the story of
the sisters’ relationship from their own perspective.
You can write a letter from one sister to the other, a diary
entry, a testimony in court or any other form you want. Include a color, a smell and the phrase “if
Ask for volunteers to share what they have written.
Inside/Out 25 Elul 5752/12 September
Why are
the following dates important to the Modern State of Israel?
Moses leads the Exodus
We Conquers the Land
877BCE: King David conquers/buys the Jerusalem
825BCE: King Solomon builds the Temple
422BCE: First Temple is destroyed
352BCE: Second Temple is built
70CE: Second Temple is destroyed
73CE: Masada falls
691CE: Dome on the Rock is Built
1099CE: Crusaders take Jerusalem
1571CE:Ottomans conquer Israel
Ways of
looking at History:
Herodotus (Greek)
---------| ---------> Jewish
----- ----
from lesson 4
discussion and end of class reflection
Who was
first to be in the land?
Jerusalem as the capitol?
the land:
What is
the history of Israel?
Students answered the matching
questions from last week's lessons regarding Western Wisdom. In the course of the discussion, students
were instructed that the fact these were Jewish concepts, they have been adopted
by the entire western world - Christians and Muslims alike.
statement came up that the Jewish People are chosen and that such a thought is
a bit uncomfortable and seems to indicate that Jews are better than other
peoples in the world. The discussion
revolved around the following key ideas:
1. We chose
2. We took on extra
responsibility by following the Torah
3. The "chosenness"
factor which made us special originally came from other people, not from
founding of Israel - from the start
The history of the Jewish people as represented in Genesis,
should not be considered an actual history (Heroditan), but as a Root Myth
(meaning a central story of the a people which is central to the people's
understanding of who they are and what they believe). The "examples" or "facts"
of the stories found within Torah are to teach moral lessons to the Jewish
people - lessons that are still taught today and are adopted by Western
Many ancient societies created their
own Root Myths, but the values were not as true as the values presented in
Torah, thus those Root Myths have been proven false. (i.e. great heroes of
Greek and Roman times, the gods, etc.)
Lesson 4
- History of the Land > video
were asked to consider the ideas presented about "chosenness" and to
formulate some sort of self definition regarding Jewish chosneness without
considering other peoples of the earth to be less valuable.
Moving Traditions
Week 3/4
Table Coverings
Copies of sheets
1. Each leader of the
three groups will have “The Essence of Tishrey
the abundance of holidays and traditions that appear in the month
and have a discussion over the facts and the people who are highlighted this
We will
focus on the High Holy Days
2. Ask if any of the
participants know what teshuvah means (literally means “turning”)
turning away from behaviors we are not proud of and embracing those we think
are good
3. Point out the three
essential components of teshuvah
Admit: the mistakes we made in the past year in
relation to ourselves, in relation to other people, and in relation to God
ways to address these mistakes within ourselves, with others and with God
never to repeat these mistakes
o “I did
_______________. Please forgive me. How
can I make this right?”
o To avoid lashon hara
we must first learn to recognize it in all forms of it.
4. We will ask for two
volunteers to do a skit. While they are
reading over the skit we will hand each person out a sheet of paper and a pen.
participants should write down as many instances as they can of lashon hara
As a
group at the table they will share their examples from the skit
5. Give out Wise Word
and copies of the script to the other people who did not have it.
the sheets and have a discussion
o Were there any
examples of behaviors that you were surprised to learn are lashon hara?
o Which do you think
are the most challenging to avoid?
o How can it hurt both
the speaker and the listener?
§ Both speaker and
listener can justifiably be viewed as untrustworthy, judgmental, and lacking in
this question
o Do you think talking
about others is always destructive?
§ Some say that there
is a difference between talking about someone and talking against them.
§ Talking about the
detail of people’s lives is not necessarily mean. The intent of a comment can determine whether
the comment is hurtful, neutral, or helpful.
§ The tone of a
comment may reveal the underlying intent.
For example: a statement such as “she looks emaciated” can be cruel or
it can reflect concern.
question hits home:
o Can you highlight
any ways in which talking about others can be beneficial?
§ Sharing an interest
in people’s lives can serve to establish connections and intimacy.
§ Such talk also
affords us the opportunity to lean from others people’s experiences.
§ If based on mutual
concern on behalf of a third party, sharing information can help us to support
our friends when they go through hard times
cautions us to remain aware of the potential harm we can cause through the
careless use of words.
o Ask one person to
read Wisdom about Words.
o Ask if its easy to
see how lashon hara is hurtful to the person being talked about, but how might
it hurt the speaker and listener?
6. What makes it hard
to avoid or confront negative speech about others?
topics are often fun and interesting to most people.
to participate can make you fell like a party pooper or goody two-shoes and can
exclude you from conversations.
o Ask how they would
feel if they knew someone was spreading lashon harah about them.
§ Brainstorm ways to
resist and respond to lashon hara.
the topic, tell the person doing lashon hara that you are uncomfterable talking
about other people; the person speaking is being unethical or turning the
negative comment into a positive one.
7. Personal Reflective
we are worthy of being written into the “book of life” if we do teshuvah.
o Reflect on negative
behaviors they wish to abandon and positive ones they wish to enhance.
out paper and stationary
o They will each write
their own letter of life.
o Write 3 behaviors
they will strive to avoid and 3 ways they hope to improve themselves.
§ These are for there
own eyes-only.
§ We will send the
letters to the girls in a year
should completely avoid all forms of lashon hara for the ten-day period between
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
It is
incredibly to avoid it all together.
Take one day at a time and do your best.
them to add new designs to the cloths
Israel Inside/Out DATE: 29 Aug. '12/ 11 Elul 5772
Attendance is
taken while students read comments made by the instructor from the previous
week's learning.
What are the
achievements of Israel of which we should be proud?
What are some of
the SIGHTS of Israel about which we think and don't think?
Western Wall
Dead Sea
The Knesset
Tel Aviv Beaches
Scuba Diving and
Snorkeling in Elat (Red Sea)
What has Israel given to the
What has Israel Given to the
Video - Class 2
Israel 360 and Part of Class 3 Israel and the West
regarding all the cool things that can be done in Israel
The things that Israel has -
it's own national beer, great wine,
scuba diving, skiing, democracy -so many people get to participate. Active political structure - where
CRITICIZING the government is important.
A Supreme Court that rules justly - sometime against the government's
People of Israel
come from all parts of the world - they're just Jews.
Students will
fill out their portfolio Sheets and the instructor will respond to the comments
of the students.
We need to know
about Israel because...
So many people don't know the
There is a great deal to know
about Israel of which we can be proud
Israel is made up of Jews from
ALL OVER THE WORLD - and those Jews are very much like us.
News corporations point out when
Israel makes a mistake - but there are not as good about reporting things
Israel does right.
Israel Lesson August 23, 2012 with Mr. Finn
Name and date in Hebrew and in English.
THE BRIT OF THE CLASS: Mr. Finn will be prepared to
teach, answer questions and learn. I
will come to class with materials, ready to learn, willing to ask questions
that apply to the class, and I will show respect to this class by using
appropriate language and by being on time.
Why is Israel so important in the world - what
makes it so unique?
Facts about Israel:
Size: sightly larger than New Jersey
Population: 7,353,985
Arab Christian
Life Expectancy: 80 years of life
Literacy rate: 97%
Official Language: Hebrew and Arabic
Official Currency: The New Shekel
Mr Finn - Israel |
Moving Traditions
Week 2
Supplies: paper, pens,
posters, sheet/table cloth and markers
- To create a welcoming environment and build group cohesion
- To establish ground rules or guidelines to ensure emotional safety
and smooth group process
- To provide opportunity for creative expression and to foster group
We as a group will
welcome everyone. We will take
attendance and ask if they have any questions about what we did last week.
Next we will have the
kids create a beautiful space to learn in. This fabric that they are going to
decorate is going to be brought to each meeting. Encourage them to work together to
create a uniquely their own. We want them to be able to draw on this
later in the semester if there is some time or if they feel that they would
like to add something to it.
Talk with your group
about what makes them who they are. What symbols do they think that they
stand for. They might need some help so you can try things like my name
is Randi and rain helps me find my calming place. Encourage them to put
both their hebrew and english names.
Encourage Jewish symbols,
things that represent who they are. Might
be there Jewish names, birthdates, hearts, flowers, seder plates.
Next we will allow them
to look at the different tables and see what everyone else has done. We
will bring the cloths to every meeting.
Everyone will sit
together on the floor. We will begin by presenting these questions.
1. What is Rosh
2. Why is Rosh
Hodesh a special holiday?
3. What can we
learn from observing the cycles of the moon?
4. Why was the New
Moon so important to ancient Jews?
5. What are some
of the ways Rosh Hodesh was observed in the past?
6. How is Rosh Hodesh
observed today?
Moving Traditions
Week 1
Supplies: paper, pens, posters, sheet/table cloth and markers
create a welcoming environment and build group cohesion
To establish
ground rules or guidelines to ensure emotional safety and smooth group process
provide opportunity for creative expression and to foster group rapport
We as a group will welcome everyone. Let them know we
are excited about the program and I will give a brief description of the
1. Introductions
2. Establish Rules (Encourage fun rules too. Like making new friends and
so on. These rules will be brought to every meeting.)
Keep in mind:
reluctant or intimidated person cannot learn.”
what ground rules might come out of this principle? “Participate fully; take
risks; there are no stupid questions.”
Talmud teaches: Put no one to shame and you will not be put to shame yourself.”
what ground rules might come out of this principle? “No putdowns; don’t judge
opinions different from your own.”
3.create a beautiful space to learn in. This fabric that they are going to decorate is going to be brought to each meeting. Encourage them to work together to create a uniquely their own. Encourage Jewish symbols, things that represent who they are.
Jason Krosinsky - Moving Traditions |
Maia Brown - Moving Traditions |
Randi Bressler - Moving Traditions Leader |
5773 School Year Above
5772 School Year Below
Welcome to the 5772 School Year!!!
A Note from Jan Secunda, Holocaust Studies Teacher:
I grew up and went to college in New York. I moved to New Mexico in 1973 and went to graduate school at UNM. I have degrees in psychology, special education, and counseling. I spent 27 years teaching special education at Madison Middle School and since 2004 have been the Principal of Pathways Academy, a small private school that primarily serves special needs students.
In 1996 I was awarded a fellowship through the Jewish Labor Committee and the United Federation of Teachers to study in Poland and Israel. It was an intense 6 weeks learning how to teach Holocaust studies to middle and high school students. Since then I have been to Washington D.C. 8 times to take classes and attend conferences sponsored and/or hosted by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. I have also taken classes on line and have taken a class sponsored by the ADL.
I teach Holocaust Studies because I believe that if we don’t face hatred head on we will never overcome the evils in the world. Our students need to know what happened to the people who came before them and understand that they can make a difference in this community and this world.
A Note from Zach Schwartz, Modern Hebrew Teacher:
I will be starting my Sophomore year at the University of New Mexico this upcoming school year. I am still undeclared, but I'm almost positive my major will be communications. This year at Congregation Albert I will be teaching Third grade on Sundays, Fourth grade Hebrew on Wednesdays, as well as Modern Hebrew on Wednesday. I'm very excited to start teaching for the second year consecutive year at CA. I look forward to getting to know all of your kids and helping them learn and progress throughout the year.
-Zach Schwartz
-Zach Schwartz