Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Israeli Cafe ~ Morah Hadar's Class

Menu - Yummy!

Happy Eating!

Serving Falafel, Hummous, Israeli Salad and Pita

Thursday, December 2, 2010

G'milut Chasadim Project in Morah Rona's Class

Caption reads: "This is how I feel when I do something nice.This is also about peace in the house. The heart of for lots of different types of deeds. The tree is for looking out for the environment."

Caption reads: "I call this Nature Love Heart becuase it reminds me of love and heart for nature. Nature is our earth and earth is where we live and if we destroy where we live we will die and if we die, life will not go on."

Caption reads: "Autumn Happiness - This picture shows Shalom Bayit, T'zar Ba'alei Chayim and Bal Tashchit. It is black and white becuase you must decide the feelings and colors for yourself."

First Night of Chanukah

Happy Chanukah Smiles
Candle lighting with Rabbi Kosovske

Max marvels at menora

Confirmation with Rabbi Kosovske

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Roadrunner Food Sorting

Hey Dovya, that's not food...that's a child!
All boxed in sweet

Vegetables go here...meat goes there...

The three food sorting muskateers

Zach discovered a kid!

Hey there!

We rock!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mitzvah Mall

The PB&J Booth
Mitzvah Mall Madness at the Keshet table
Donating feels SOOOOO good!
Volunteering is FUN!

Learning about local charities

Our trusty cashiers

Making Cards

Journalism during Machon

Taking aim
Say Matzah Ball!

Learning all about cameras

Crawling the halls

Learning at Congregation Albert

There is lots of learning going on at Congregation Albert

Michelle Goffe Memorial Rose Garden Project

K-3rd Grade Family Education Day

Playing Hebrew BINGO

Learning Hebrew in Sign Language

Making a Mizrach...Where is Israel?

Making Spice Boxes...Well, Spice Bulbs!